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Refinished Women

In 2022, a woman was killed every 6 days due to Domestic Violence.  Over the past decade, one woman has been killed a week, and one child has been killed a fortnight.  Women over 55 are the fastest growing demographic experiencing homelessness. 

*Statistics sourced from ABS.  

Our purpose for REVIVE to THRIVE is to prevent any woman becoming a statistic.  

Designed by women to give other women the power to rewrite their stories and live the future they choose.

We are bringing back equality in balance, control, power, respect by taking a future focus on transformation.

We are relentless in our pursuit of creating real changes that empower real lives right now.

Partner with me on this journey and rediscover you.  Rediscover your dreams, purpose, goals and identity.  Most importantly, remove the guilt of putting yourself first.

Real Outcomes

  • Take real actions and get real results
  • Find yourself, your joy and your reasoning
  • Determine what is really important for YOU
  • Create a new operating baseline of life's expectations that is where you want it to be
  • Take back your inner power, control and create freedom!
  • Reconnect with your dreams 
  • Inspire positive changes in your relationships with friends, family, co-workers

The Program            

Broken into three stages, our program explores where you are now, where you want to be, how to get there, and most importantly, how to sustain life once you've achieved it.   It explores current state and behaviours that require shift, and sets goals to think now, but with the future in mind, helping women recognise their greater desires and create lasting change for impact.  While the program holds structure, we ensure that it provides flexibility to every unique experience and journey.  


What do I want




Lasting Impact


We work one-on-one with you using a combination of tools and scientifically proven cognitive techniques to work towards changing behaviours within your values and beliefs system.  Sessions can be face-to-face or virtual.

Get in contact to experience one of our free discovery sessions.

contact us             
become a sponsor


I am a strategic business consultant that created a program to do something about statistics and information I learned.  I became an ICF-accredited coach to learn more skills so I could deliver this program to a higher level. 

Having an ally like YOUR BUSINESS can make this happen.


What my women need is for people to sponsor them.

For every 3 months you sponsor our program I pledge to match your donation in three ways:


1.       I will provide 1 x months additional pro-bono coaching session on your behalf for a not-for-profit of your choosing;

2.       I will provide you personally (for use by yourself or your organisation to gift to clients) with one free coaching session OR offer your business 20% off my 3-month program

3.       I will provide 50% off my 2-3-hour ‘Powerful Self Image’ workshop for your business (overview attached)


So, for every 12 months sponsorship investment on your part, I'll do 16 coaching sessions for free 

become a sponsor

This beautiful woman...

...feels lonely, sceptical, bored and resentful. She yearns to be that high achiever that she once was.

This woman was once climbing an academic, sporting, or social ladder. She once led a lifestyle that allowed her late nights, holidays, impulsive decisions, and most of all, complete freedom, autonomy and growth. 

Fast forward 5-10-20+ years; she met her perfect partner, got married and is living the "dream" life.

So she cannot complain.  

But somewhere deep inside, something stirs.  Between changing nappies, packing lunches, ordering groceries and cleaning cat vomit off the floor, she watched her partners career flourish.  Watches them go to Christmas parties, long corporate lunches, and THEY HAVE SUPERANNUATION! OH MY GOD! 

But wait!

  • She is not allowed to complain.  She's meant to be grateful that her partner earns enough so she can stay home.


  • In the back of her mind there is a sense of anxiety as the growing guilt of financial stress of living on one income starts to show. 

This woman watches her kids' social lives flourish and she smiles as she wipes out the fridge, and the bathtub long forgotten, overflows.  She throws out the mail from her superannuation company informing her that her life insurance policy has been cancelled due to a prolonged era of zero contributions.


This woman is still fighting to have it all.  Career, partner, kids, socials, a life in permanent overdrive.  Constantly overstimulated.  Trying to be all things to all people at once at the cost of her physical and mental health, and her relationships, never able to be truly present. 

This woman is beautiful. She is me. She is you.


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My story

Look, it is a bit of an overshare, but I’ve been there. In fact I’m still in it. I’m about 40 and a mother to two boys. Before this stage of life, I was the driven one, the high achiever. Multiple degrees, regular international travel, a gun on skis and a competitive show jumper. My career was taking off and I was in total control.

Could I have lived this way forever? Maybe.

But I moved on to the next stage. I met the man of my dreams, had a series of injuries and health scares (two broken wrists, shoulder surgery, Endometriosis, a hysterectomy in my 30's to name a few) and gave birth to my kids. I stopped being me and became mum.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve got it pretty good.

But I wasn’t that same driven one, that high achiever I was before the ‘white picket fence’ dream became my reality. I wasn’t in control of my path, my time, myself. It was the kids’ sports and my husband’s career. I could have tried to have it all, but that only takes you from broke and zen to financially stable and frazzled. Neither felt like the right place for me.

  • I didn’t want to surrender to the mentality that this will eventually pass.
  • I wanted to take back control and put myself first for a change. 

So I did.  This began a journey that started with a baby horse who taught me more about regulation and the sympathetic nervous system then any text book could have.  The learning and discovery that this opened up, I will be forever in his debt.  (But did I mention I'm a high achiever? I did the text book stuff too).  

Over the past three years (when I wasn't attending sleep clinics / hospital visits with my then baby), I reached out to high level experts and gained international certification in areas that have now enabled me to combine all my prior knowledge into this high impact program.

I created the Refinished Women program, to help women like me, at the start of their journey, create something just for them. We can cut to the chase and start making real change from our very first session together. 

I have used elements of these tools in the past to help many businesses, but it's time to get back to who matters most. 

We do

Does this feel like your story?

Let me partner with you to create real change and impact right from the first session! 

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